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One Page Story:



The Snap Dragon 

He was down, I was up and that’s how things tend to go with 
me. Blood was running through my nose, gun held tight. His 
eyes turned around to see the bottom of the gun barrel and you 
could tell he wasn’t happy with the sight. Sucks for him. I am 
not a trigger-happy person though. You have to take your time 
with these things. His expression changed again and know he 
was pleading. I am a killer. But I am no monster. It gets 
harder when they get sad. Trigger gets heavier.  

I still remember the first time I truly felt calm. It was a 
Saturday morning, I was waiting for a friend and while I was 
walking up and down, the pavement in front of his house I saw 
a snap dragon. You know. This weird little flower that has 
petals that resemble a beastly mouth. When I was young, I used 
to put my fingers inside those petals and open the flowers 
mouth while doing munching sounds with my mouth. Nom nom. A 
weird little memory for a weird little flower. And what a name 
right? Snap Dragon. In my country we call them doggies.  They 
look way more like a dog than a dragon. But what do I know? I 
am not a botanist.  

There I was looking at the flower, admiring its unusual 
beauty. The colour, the slight wind that made them dance in 
sync. Suddenly, a bee arrived. It looked at me and then looked 
at the snap dragon. I guess it decided that the flower was a 
much more appetizing target, and it plunged inside its beastly 
mouth. There was no one there with me. It was just me, the bee 
and the snapdragon. And it felt calm. This little scene. 
Created just for me.  

Every time before I went in for a kill, I thought of the snap 
dragon. Pulling the trigger was easier that way.  










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