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Piece from my Feature-Length Film Script ‘’The man with the Golden Mask’’ 

 which was also part of my Diploma Thesis 

The story is about a man, Kimon, who is suffering from psychological issues. One day he 
decides to follow his comic book idols, he puts on a mask and becomes a vigilante. It 
becomes his obsession and it’s the only thing that makes him feel like he belongs. But he is 
no Superman or Batman. And he is putting him self and others in harms way.  

In this scene Elena, his sister, is beginning to understand that something is wrong with her 
brother and she goes to his house to confront him.   



We see the Daily News/Greece in an article by Mary. The 
headline reads ''Man in Gold Mask Exposes Child Pornography 
Circle'' Kimon squats in front of the laptop and stands with 
one hand and downloads the article. It's evening. There's a 
knock on his door. He quickly puts on a shirt, throws his bat 
and uniform behind the kitchen and runs to the door. He opens 
it. It's Elena. 


Good morning, Elena. 

She doesn't look at him. She enters the house. It's a mess. 
The boxing sandbag is torn and has fallen to the floor. Elena 
looks at it in frustration. She holds a bag. She sets it down 
on the couch. Kimon follows her, he is wondering and only he 
is slightly frightened. 


Elena, is everything okay? 

She's still not looking at him. She must be crying. But she's 
hiding it. 


Did something happen? 


I was going to come today to bring you food and this. 

And she points to the bag she left on the couch. 


And I got a call from the self-help groups. They said you 

haven't been to the groups for a month and a half. Then I got 

paranoid and called your therapist. And she said you haven’t 

gone to the sessions in two weeks. And now I come here. And I 

see you like this. A mess. 

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