du 10/11/2023 au 30/11/2023

Whether you're a film buff, an aspiring screenwriter or simply curious about the art of cinematic storytelling, the Ciné MasterClass is a new writing course featuring twice-weekly face-to-face sessions. dedicated to transforming your film ideas into real, market-ready scripts. The objectives of this course: - Distinguish between an idea and a story with potential. - Master the art of narrative structure. - Create memorable characters and develop intense scenes. Write an effective treatment and start your first draft. The program: Simple idea or movie-worthy story. DAY 1: From idea to story potential - Introduction: The difference between a simple idea and a story with potential. - Reviewing submitted projects: Judging their viability as a screenplay. - Brainstorming techniques: Transforming an "idea" into a film-worthy project. DAY 2: Creating the logline & Basic narrative structure - The importance of a solid logline and how to use it to test the narrative strength of a film idea. - Practical: Writing and refining a logline for participants' projects. - Introduction to basic narrative structure: What makes a story work? The art of script structure DAY 3: Simplifying the 3-act structure - In-depth exploration: The classic 3-act structure and its role in storytelling. - Visualizing your story: How the 3 acts fit together, like interlocking Russian dolls. DAY 4: Act 1** workshop - Unpacking Act 1: Setting the scene, introducing characters, establishing conflicts. - Practical: Workshop to develop and refine Act 1 of participants' projects. Characters & Scenes - Diving into conflict & flaws DAY 5: The art of character creation - The anatomy of memorable characters. - Workshop: Creating unique and captivating characters for participants' stories. DAY 6: The essence of scene rewriting - Why rewriting is essential: Turning a good scene into an exceptional one. Subtext, dialogue, word economy... and structure! - Workshop: Rewriting key scenes from participants' drafts, focusing on conflict and tension. From treatment to V1 DAY 7: Project progress & Start of real writing work - Update: Discussion on the progress of each project. - Beginning of writing: Drafting of a treatment (5-10 pages) summarizing the essence of the story. DAY 8: Continuation of treatment & Encouragement for the future - Question-and-answer session: Address doubts, concerns and provide advice on projects. - Treatment workshop: Collaborative session to refine treatments (5-10 pages) of participants' projects. Encouragement on writing the V1 dialogue. Each participant will benefit from a detailed project review, hands-on workshops and Q&A sessions to ensure solid understanding and application. The course will be led by Jérémie Galan, a screenwriter and script doctor for the past fifteen years, with a strong background in storytelling from the United States. Selection criteria: -Have an idea or the beginnings of a screenplay project, all genres welcome. Be available for face-to-face sessions on the following dates: Friday 10/11, Monday 13/11, Wednesday 15/11, Monday 20/11, Wednesday 22/11, Friday 24/11 ,Tuesday 28/11 and Thursday 30/11 -Have a genuine passion for writing and film. AFDAS, Pôle Emploi (outside Ile de France region) & personal financing available. AFDAS application deadline: October 13 If you would like to take part in this course, please send us a brief summary of your script project and a cover letter to: info@cinemasterclass .com

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