How much does a scriptwriter earn in France?

How much does a scriptwriter earn in France?

Screenwriters are not salaried, they have an author status. Their income is therefore very variable. Here are some parameters to take into account. Basic price of a screenplay in France: between 20.000€ and 30.000€ for 90 minutes Experienced screenwriter: base price x2 or more. Director (or several) co-writers: base price divided by the number of co-writers Episode of a television series: 1.500 €. 30-minute animation film script: €3,000 to €4,000 Beyond that, there are also broadcasting rights which depend on the channel on which the film is broadcast or rebroadcast. Then, these are gross amounts, from which it is necessary to deduct : - 10% for the screenwriter's agent - 16% for various contributions (social security for artists and authors...) - 1% screenwriters' guild (minimum 200€ maximum 15000€ per year)

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