I'm looking for a scriptwriter who wants to tell a story in comics.

Hello, I'm not a scriptwriter, I only have a basic knowledge, but I have a Bachelor's degree in comics from the Académie de la Bande Dessinée DELCOURT, as well as a diploma in visual communication from a Lycée Pro with a Bac Pro AMA. If you're looking for a cartoonist, I'm your man! I know how to draw storyboards, board pencils, inking and digital color. I can help you design a script and prepare a presentation file for a publisher. I have the ability to mix organic, mechanical and crystals. I have a grounding in anatomy and perspective. I'm semi-realistic, not cartoony. Far from the look of classic comics and popular manga. I can be very detailed, very poetic in the first degree. (I hate anything to do with sex, so forget about me for that). However, I'm fearful by nature but loyal to my values and duty. I don't have the courage to go up to people, but I'm very open to questions. I'm a super villain, crazy and dreamy, I like sf, fantasy, fantasy, down-to-earth, thrillers even if I'm not a great connoisseur. If you don't want to work with me, I can always give you advice. And also, money is an issue, it's only discussed if the publishing house accepts the project. I'm afraid of investing myself in a project, and I'd rather work on a One Shot than a series (it's a pity that comic book authors don't get paid...). Please note: I don't feel ready to work with anyone at the moment. You can visit my Instagram account Kik-macle to see my drawings... If you, too, dream of sharing a world where imagination, fright and beauty go hand in hand, send me a pitch of your script to reassure me... Take care of yourself!

Hi, how are you? I saw that a few months ago you were looking for a screenwriter. If you are still looking, tell me more about the project at [email protected], I would love to help. Greetings!!
Yeyo 13 2024-02-08 05:14:56

Salut Kyllian, je ne suis pas à proprement parlé un scénariste, je suis avant tout auteur, j'ai écrit plusieurs romans et des petites histoires. Je travail sur un projet de BD en série et j'ai eu quelques expériences en plus pour le scénario de BD. Je suis curieux de connaître quel genre d'histoire pourrait te fasciner et que je pourrais te délivrer. Dans le doute, je crois que je vais te faire parvenir un message insta si tu ne vois pas ce commentaire avant quelques jours. Mais sache que je suis intéressé pour créer ensemble.
Vincent Vignaud 2024-01-30 14:48:29