Research cartoonist for comic strip

Research cartoonist for comic strip

Hello to all, I'm looking for a cartoonist with a very realistic style to adapt my fantasy novel titled "The Blood Prophecy" into a graphic novel. Self-published in 2015 by TheBookEdition, the story follows a young vampire on a quest to find his origins. Summary: England 1918... When his father dies, Jonathan Le Sanglant inherits a heavy past: as Earl of Ashdown he is also a vampire. Four years later, when he joins the prestigious University of Oxford, Jonathan meets Liliane, a French actress with whom he quickly falls in love. Unfortunately, the romance ends when Liliane discovers the true nature of the dark student. Jonathan then realizes that an immortal cannot lead a normal life and falls into depression. When Liliane writes to him that she is returning to Paris to care for her sick father, and that she has faith in him despite his heavy heredity, Jonathan regains a taste for life and embarks on a long journey, to discover his origins. After years of wandering, the young count discovers in the light of dark events, the terrible truth about his past and the terrible secret that links him to a prophecy written centuries before his birth... Not being able to pay for this work, I am looking for a 50/50 collaboration. If you are interested in this project and wish to collaborate with me, please contact me by message!

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