Sergio Spano

It is one of my scripts and tells anedoctas of several generations of Argentines who did not have opportunities or who had them and could not or did not want to take advantage of them, they lived in a corner or in a bar, governed by Peronists, radicals, socialists and conservatives, they were faced with a dictatorship, with the Malvinas war , devaluations, drugs, AIDS, and it came upon them, not that they saw and did it anyway, they did not know that if they injected themselves they would die of AIDS, they had breakfast with those things and then this script came out that tells anecdotes of those people, it is called LAS AVES IDAS DE LOS SUEÑOS (Do you believe that there are good people who did bad things? ) is in preproduction, it lacks a producer to make it, there is the director, sound, lights, cameras etc. ...

Born in 1967

Buenos Aires Argentina

Film Television Comics