Maxime David

Author, director, comedian, unclassifiable art lover but above all in love with the language and the expression in all its forms. You will find on my site, in addition to a detailed CV, an anthology of texts: synopses, screenplays, sketches, news, reviews, reports, analyses...

Born in 1980

Paris France

Web :

Film Television Comics


2003 - 2005 Cours Florent - Cours Florent (Bac +3) - Art dramatique
2002 - 2003 Université Paris 8 - DEA Hypermédia - Art contemporain
Mémoire : "Cinéma interactif, cinéma génératif"
1999 - 2002 ESIEA - ESIEA (Bac +5) - multimédia
Mémoire : "Conception de produits multimédias"