Laurence Tramaux

After having been a film director and a production manager for documentaries, I started to write... I published 3 comic books, I signed an adventure series for Casterman "LES MONDES PERDUS DE CONAN DOYLE" whose first volume "LE MYSTERE DE BAHARIA" was published on May 27, 2008, I wrote, among other things, a 90' comedy for cinema or television (option signed then expired, therefore free of rights), and I'm looking for movie/television producers and comic book artists to make my numerous projects succeed...

Born in 1966

Paris France

Web :

Film Television Comics


Lycée Monchapet - Bac lettres-langues-maths
ENC Bessières - BTS tourisme
Labo cinéma GTC - Stage 3 mois
IIIS - Opérateur Prise Vues Beta SP