Aarón Romera

Aarón Romera Pérez, scriptwriter-producer. He studied acting at the Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de Valencia between 1998 and 2002 and postgraduate film scriptwriting at the Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica, part of the Centro Nacional de las Artes de la Ciudad de México, from 2003 to 2005. He has worked as an actor in 6 professional theater productions and 14 short films. As an author, he was the director of Si todo vuelve a comenzar in 2000, Mis engaños preferidos in 2001, El Ascensor in 2003 and Curvas Cocteau in 2004, which toured throughout 2005. As a screenwriter, he has filmed the Mexican short films Historia de un circo (2004), Receta para ser bonita (2004), Marea Alta (2005) and the Valencian documentary Curvas, filmed by Enrique Belloch. He has also worked as a scriptwriter for two years at Televisa, a television company in Mexico City. In his work as a director he has filmed Cinecollage (2000), Orgía (2001) and the Mexican-Spanish documentary La Parábola del titiritero (2006). In all his facets as a creator, he has obtained different recognitions and awards. He also has the theatrical text Un engaño cualquiera published in the Valencian publishing house Acotaciones en la Caja Negra. He currently carries out his creative work in the Valencian production company Tav, Teatraudiovisuals Produccions.

Born in 1979

Valencia Spain

Film Television Comics


1999 - 2005 Escuela Superior de Arte dramático de Valencia y Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica de Ciudad de México - licenciado - cine