16raaj -

My name is Raaj , and I am reaching out to you regarding an important film project based on a true story. This project has already garnered significant attention, with some professionals in the field suggesting it has the potential to win an Oscar. What makes this project particularly compelling is its historical and political relevance. It’s a love story intertwined with the real-life mass deportation of the Chagossian people from Diego Garcia Island. With the ongoing discussions between the UK and Mauritius about the island's future, the story has become even more timely and impactful. I am the owner of this project and have secured 40% funding through the Mauritius Film Development Corporation. However, I am seeking strong and serious collaborators to bring this vision to life. Given your passion for storytelling and creative collaboration, I believe we could create something truly remarkable together. If this opportunity resonates with you, I would love to discuss the details further. Looking forward to hearing from you. Kind regards Raaj Pnone +393314067136

Born in 1964

Milan Italy
