Florian Felo
Hello, I'm applying today for the position of screenwriter because I'm first and foremost passionate about it and I myself have done small scenarios that I wrote myself and then animated on black background with the text...
I went through all that to learn this profession, and to be honest with you I'm very passionate about screenwriting and making stories out of anything. It fascinates me enormously. I hope that I can get your attention and that this will allow me to show you that I am very motivated by the idea of being able to be part of your teams, and to work with you.
I've left you three videos that were conceptualized by me and the scripts too
Nsimba florian
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K7TDOyrwbqZHExMZ-Xp_VNVb4g6ORp01/view?usp=drivesdkBorn in 1999