Vincenzo Pandolfi

I am a screenwriter residing in Rome. My favorite genre is the supernatural thriller, but I like to range from extreme horror to fantasy. I love putting eerie and mysterious feelings on the page. I write feature films, short films, short stories and TV series. I am an Italian screenwriter based in Rome. I love the supernatural thriller genre, from extreme horror to unreal. I love to write disturbing and mysterious scenes. I have written feature and short films, short tales and TV series, in italian and english.

Born in 1971

Roma Italy

Instagram : @stradaperduta
Film Television Comics
Amo alla follia David Lynch per la sua capacità di immergere lo spettatore in un incubo dove ogni cosa è diversa da ciò che sembra. Adoro Kubrick, Von Trier, Nolan e Aronowsky. Tra gli scrittore prediligo Buzzati, Borges, Cortazar e King.


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