BLUE MANwritten by
marius hounwanou - 2014
I'm looking for a producer of fantasy and humor for this script Professor scientist LUTHER FOSTER wants to become master of the earth thanks to a Zen micro-battery that Mr FRANCIS GATE finds on their journey across the vast Pacific Ocean, crossing islands and coming up against the ice desert in search of the micro-batteries that will revolutionize the world. LUTHER FOSTER eliminates his companion Mr FRANCIS GATE and all his family, after understanding the importance of this discovery, the advantages and disadvantages if it falls into the wrong hands. Mr FRANCIS GATE and his loving wife JEANNE discover the positive side and exploit it on a minidisc long before LUTHER FOSTER eliminates them in a stampede in the middle of the ice desert before the eyes of OLIVER GATE, FRANCIS GATE and JEANNE's son. Who is protected by a super-shield made by Mr FRANCIS GATE thanks to the Zen micro-battery. LUTHER FOSTER is imprisoned in a mountain of ice caused by an accident he caused himself in his laboratory using the power of this Zen micro-battery. Twenty years later, OLIVER GATE, saved by an old man, continues his scientific studies just like his father and ends up perfecting the super-disk that transmits all his powers thanks to the bracelet and magnetic ring his father left under his wrist and finger. But long before that, a terrible accident occurs in this region of ice, awakening the activity of the Zen micro-battery in LUTHER FOSTER's body, but the appearance of BLUE MAN, FRANCIS GATE's son, OLIVER GATE, having received the extreme power of a super disc, eliminates the monsters sent by LUTHER FOSTER into the city. He manages to neutralize LUTHER FOSTER, a difficult task, and re-establishes order in the city, the joy on everyone's faces, and LUTHER FOSTER is arrested and handed over to the law, where he spends the rest of his life. A few years later, LUTHER FOSTER disappeared from prison without a trace....
Writing stage : Production : Not yet completed