The Immortals - Story of Eve
An Immortal, Eve, fights for her life and freedom.written by
Véronique Robert - 2009
The Immortals - Story of Eve *Set in the year 2239 at a time where Earth has suffered the worst of it climatic changes. The leaders have united their efforts to save the human race forming an organisation grouping the world's great leader: The NUW (New United World) and established colonies on the surface of Mars. A car drives on a country road outside of the Prague. Eve a 272 years old Immortal, heads out to a reception with her young lover, Olivier. In the car heading there, she warns Olivier to trust no one and to beware of other conning games picking his curiosity. Leaving the party, Eve promises to divulge to Olivier why she has fled to Prague with him the night they have met and why she was so suspicious to receive an invitation to a party in a country she knew no one. Back and safe in their Prague apartment, she begins to reveal a little about her past. The following evening, their host from the previous night, Dominic Velasquez pays them a visit. He wants to know where Eve's maker is. Why she is with another? What has happened to him? Naturally, he suspects foul play. Eve begins to defend herself by resuming her story. Velasquez as head and leader of the region will sit and listen to Eve as she remembers for the viewer. In images she will explain how her maker was a tyrant to her. Left alone most of the time. Having decided to end her existence only to be stopped in the process by falling for Olivier. We will discover how that night went down, how she assassinated her two bodyguards. Knowing she must leave the city to escape Sven her maker, she heads back home to gather things she'll need for the trip. He surprises her there and tries to teach her a precious lesson, the true meaning of; ?Until death do us part". Only to be interrupted in his beating by another Immortal (Nigel) who also reveals some secrets, giving Eve's 200 years of existence more sense. After listening to it all Velasquez passes his judgment; Since Sven's death was accidental, but not the bodyguards and Nigel's he banishes them from Prague for ever. As a lesson, he orders for Olivier's fangs to be removed and completely drained of his blood. Eve will get Olivier back on his feet and they head out to Moscow, hoping to be in peace there. Once in Moscow, Eve receives an invitation to a Winter Solstice Ball.... (Will they attend?)
Writing stage : Continuité dialoguée
Production : Not yet completed