Search cartoonist for erotic comics

I'm looking for a cartoonist to put into images (and phylacteries) a scenario of erotic comic strip. The story is based on a traditional fairy tale reinterpreted somewhat. The decor and costumes, of fantasy, are inspired by the French Renaissance, the court of François I. The tone is both poetic and pornographic, tinged with a biting wit and delicate humor. The style must be realistic. It is a collaboration. The first step consists in the production of 5 to 10 plates in order to approach some publishing houses and specialized collections, and to start the realization of the complete album.

ola, soy ilustrador y estaría interesado. Te dejo mi enlace a IG . Es bastante reciente y no tiene aún demasiado contenido, así que te paso también mi enlace a
RUBÉN ANIORTE REBOLLO 2023-04-22 13:19:58

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