Short comedy film in search of its director

Hello everyone. I'm a young amateur screenwriter (Belgium). I've already written several short film scripts for a director and I'm also working on a feature film script (for personal use). I have a screenplay (28 pages) for a comedy in camera (black humor/situational humor) that just needs to find a director. The film doesn't need a huge budget or a lot of actors: 3 men (25, 30 and 40, one of whom will play dead) and a woman (25). The film is set in a house (a garage or cellar is required). Don't hesitate to contact me by PM if the project appeals to you. I'd be delighted to discuss it with you. You'll find that it's very easy to get along and work with me.

Bonjour, pouvez-vous me donner votre adresse mail afin d'en discuter
Théo Granseigne 2023-08-09 19:24:22