ScriptDock, training for screenwriters in Germany

ScriptDock is an innovative online platform that allows aspiring screenwriters and professionals in film and television to develop their screenwriting skills and share their experiences with a community of peers. Based on the principle of learning by doing and sharing, ScriptDock offers training and workshops adapted to different levels of experience and different storytelling formats. The ScriptDock community meets monthly in live video calls, where participants present their projects and get to know their colleagues. These live meetings often provide constructive feedback and support from other members. The dates of the video calls are listed in the site calendar. ScriptDock offers specific training programs for series and film writers, with writing exercises adapted to each format. Participants are encouraged to explore their creative world, define the tone of their work, create main characters and develop central conflicts. The writing exercises are designed to be completed in approximately 6 hours per week, and participants are free to organize their time as they wish. One of the most innovative aspects of ScriptDock is its approach to tone. Participants have access to a training program focused on mastering tone in different genres, such as drama, suspense and humor. Readings and practical exercises are provided to explore and practice mastering the specific tones of each genre. To encourage the reading and analysis of contemporary screenplays, ScriptDock provides participants with a selection of screenplays from recent critically acclaimed films and series. Participants are invited to read these scripts and write loglines and scenes based on the works studied, in order to develop their "Oscar muscle" and become familiar with current industry trends. ScriptDock now offers two separate groups for film and series writers, each with access to a closed workshop to focus on their preferred format. The groups allow participants to read and exchange scripts in at least four different genres and share their work with colleagues. ScriptDock's trainings are offered at affordable rates. Many committed authors have already taken these courses with promising results, confirming the effectiveness of the ScriptDock approach. In short, ScriptDock is a revolutionary online platform that offers writers a unique opportunity to develop their skills, learn about industry trends, and share their experiences with a caring and engaged community. Online pitch function online pitch Pitches are written presentations with the ability to add images. Authors can book pitches that are published as a list of previews during the online pitch event, showing only the TITLE, AUTHOR, LOGLINE, FORMAT and the beginning of the SYNOPSIS. Only verified production partners have access to this list during the event. Production partners can request to read the project by contacting the authors directly. The pitch window offers authors various options to present their project in a professional and detailed way (pitch, treatment, photos, scenes, synopsis, author's vision, detailed author profile, writing partners, etc.). ScriptDock does not impose restrictions on length, genre or format. Verified production partners can view the list of pitch previews and, if interested, request permission to read the full pitch. This allows authors to see who is interested and decide who has access to the entire pitch. Authorized readers of a pitch can read the full presentation even after the event has ended. A pitch that receives many read requests moves up the list, making it more visible to other readers. Authors are encouraged to actively promote their pitch during the event and invite potential partners, increasing the chances of finding the right partners. TrockenDock "TrockenDock" or "Trocken Dock" is a combination of two German words: "trocken" meaning "dry" and "Dock" meaning "dock" or "dry dock" in a maritime context. In the maritime industry, a dry dock is a place where ships are built, repaired or maintained by removing them from the water. In the context of screenwriting, "TrockenDock" refers to a space where screenwriters can work on their scripts, exchange ideas, and receive criticism and feedback from their peers. It suggests a safe and nurturing environment to develop and refine their projects, just as a ship in dry dock undergoes repairs and improvements before returning to the sea. In the TrockenDock, work on texts is encouraged and valued among authors. TrockenDock Rules: Each participant must create a basic profile on ScriptDock to ensure that only qualified writers have access to this section. The basic profile is free. To encourage constructive criticism, there is a rating system for reviews. TrockenDock participants can rate each review once to help maintain their quality. An up arrow means "relevant" and a down arrow means "less relevant". To receive a review in the TrockenDock, you must first write two yourself. There is a page credit system for scripts and continuing texts. Do you want feedback on your script or a script-related text? You start with a 15-page screenplay credit or a 7-page continuous text credit. You can post your texts in the TrockenDock anonymously or with your profile. Anonymity allows you to share half-baked ideas, bold drafts or poor spelling and get valuable help. Author texts are not evaluated in the TrockenDock, as this is about enabling creativity. Another author will write a critique of your text. Reviews can be evaluated and commented on by other authors. Producers and other script operators are only allowed to participate in PITCHES. Want to read and comment on other writers' scripts? You can browse the TrockenDock and join an existing critique/discussion, or choose a fresh script and write the first critique of a screenplay or ongoing script by a colleague. Reviews can only be written with the ScriptDock profile. Loglines are outside the page credit system. Sometimes, changing a verb is enough to improve a logline. This is not easy to quantify, but it is a big step forward. Read more:

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Hélène Duchemin 2023-04-05 15:29:41

Bonjour André. Je t'ai envoyé plusieurs messages. Un grand merci.
Nicolas Juillet 2023-04-03 14:12:21