Le Rêve aux Loups

Le Rêve aux Loups

Le Rêve aux loups is the final letter from a man condemned to death from the inside, the last of the sheep-rebels to whom justice and society won't give a chance, but whom he will nevertheless dupe to ensure the triumph of truth, personal honor and progress. Beyond the topical and interesting subjects that are like the two poles of a stack ready to explode - the family and terrorism - and their possible future interactions, the beginnings of which we already know, men on top of cranes or slitting the throats of their offspring, this vast tale covering themes and generations from young Europe to the far reaches of Asia is intended as an antidote to pain for all fathers betrayed by the system, as much as the heaviest indictment of contemporary French family justice. "Les griffes du loup. The Devil's paw. There were five of them. Five on the list. Five in his head. Five at the party. And they were worth a hundred thousand dollars. So they could scream as loud as they wanted, all of them: the wolf loves nothing so much as an expression of fear, and for that very reason prowls in all horrific tales. He also relishes terror when he becomes the Beast of Gévaudan. Fear, in truth, is his feast. And Niklos had his answer: the Plan. Long, patient, inescapable: they would pay the ultimate price." Cover illustration: Jordan Diow Art direction: Pascal Duthuin https://www.amazon.fr/r%C3%AAve-aux-loups-Jordan-Diowe/dp/2332614117

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