How to become a screenwriter?

Whether it is for a film, a television series, a cartoon, a comic book, everything starts with a script. Screenwriters have an independent status and the work is relatively solitary. Many scriptwriters succeed without any dedicated studies. However, there are several training courses in France dedicated to this profession, as well as many online resources that will help you take your first steps. In terms of professional training, there are various possibilities depending on the level:


2 degrees: In 3 years: the school of cinema and audiovisual, created in 1972, a program in 3 years. The first two years are generalist, then specialization in the third year. No writing specialization at this level. For the baccalaureate program: the Department of Advanced Film Studies (DHEC) offers various specializations, including Screenwriting/Directing and Production/Distribution. An optional year can be done in New York. Learn more:


Eicar used to offer a 1-year Bachelor's degree in Screenwriting which seems to be out of date. The Eicar in Lyon offers a 3-year course in directing and screenwriting. The program includes First year : The tools of dramaturgy, narrative and storytelling Screenplay reading and semiology of narrative analysis Characterization and psychology of characters The major theorists of narrative and storytelling Filmic syntax and implicit division Functions, structure and stylistics of dialogue Practice and orality of the French language Technical documents related to screenwriting, from the pitch to the dialogue sequence Research and documentation Activation of the writing mechanics Introduction to documentary writing Introduction to series writing Project: writing short films Project: writing a short-com Year Two: Specific writing techniques: series, documentary, comics The animated TV series Theatrical writing The tools of copyright Pitch, logline, intentions: presenting and promoting your work as an author Discovering and deepening your identity as an author Narratology, techniques of narrative structures Project: writing a fiction series Project: writing a sound fiction Project: writing a web series or a documentary unit Project: writing a short film. Third year: Intellectual property law Notions and contract regimes The status of author Narrative analysis Transmedia writing Journalistic writing Working techniques: developing autonomy and efficiency Professional connections and networking Research and documentation related to the writing of the professional project Further study of the psychology of characters Project: writing a professional project, personalized follow-up Project: writing of end-of-study projects (PFE), short films produced by the directing section


The Conservatoire Libre du Cinéma Français (CLCF) offers a 3-year training course validated by an "establishment certificate". The program includes theory, workshops on text analysis and writing, individual and group work, filming and internships. Registration fees: 400€ per year. Then 7 250€ in the first year, 8350€ in the second year, 7800€ in the third year (more information ).


To integrate its bac+5 Writing & Directing Master's degree, 3IS offers a Bachelor's degree in cinema and audiovisual. After a generalist first year, the second year allows for specialization among 8 major themes, including writing. The third year is focused on the realization of a personal project. The writing specialization takes place on the school's Paris campus. The cost of the 3IS Bachelor of Cinema and Audiovisual is : Registration fee 430 €. First year 8 280 €. Second year € 8 710 Third year 9 300 €. The International Institute of Image and Sound (3IS) offers a Master's degree in Writing and Directing (Bac +5). This master's degree is open to students with a Bac+3 in film and audiovisual studies. The school has several campuses in France (Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon, Nantes). In the first year, students work on directing exercises and get up to speed. Meetings with professionals are organized. The second year focuses on a personal project, surrounded by many professionals. Example of the elements taught: Development of a project: monitoring, targets, distribution, detection of opportunities... Passage from reality to fiction New writing: video games, internet, web-series... Storytelling, the pitch Work on dramaturgy, writing techniques, characterization of characters Work on the situation, dialogue, dramatic irony and character Staging an intention Transition from script to image Writing marathons on 3 different genres Shooting and sound recording workshops Direction of actors, workshops and shootings with professional actors Participation in the Valence screenwriters' festival 2 month internship in France or abroad The costs of this training at 3IS are : 430 € registration fee 9 140 € in the first year 9 300 € in the second year This training does not only lead to the profession of screenwriter, but also opens the doors to the profession of director and assistant director. Learn more

École nationale supérieure des métiers de l'image et du son

The École nationale supérieure des métiers de l'image et du son (La Fémis) is certainly the most selective and prestigious training to become a screenwriter. Claire Simon filmed a documentary, Le concours (the competition) in 2016 about this school. (read more: ) A 1-year "writing and creating series" curriculum is offered An open competition gives access to a 4-year course. La Fémis also offers professional training courses: Screenplay workshop Introduction to adapting novels Assessing a feature film script From short to feature The Fémis also offers a VAE for screenwriters in order to validate one's skills and obtain a screenwriter's title.

European Conservatory of Audiovisual Writing

The European Conservatory of Audiovisual Writing (CEEA) offers long courses and continuing education. The long course consists of 600 hours of training over 33 weeks.

The Universities

Paris Nanterre offers an M2 Screenwriting and Audiovisual Writing (entry at Bac+4, 353 hours of training) Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne offers a 2-year Master's degree course in Screenwriting, Directing, Production.

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