War secret

Hello, I'm a beginner who's been wanting to write for a long time. I've been going from page to page with the pleasure of seeing this story progress. I'm looking for a screenwriter to turn it into a feature film or a producer interested in this project. Mixing fact and fiction. It takes place during the Second World War, sending characters from year to year to fight evil: Louis MACLEAN is an Englishman born in 1890 who left his native country to settle in France in 1937. In 1939, with Nazi Germany having defeated the French, his villa in Normandy was requisitioned by a general named Kurt Meyer. With the experiences they'd had in the First World War, Kurt left the janitor's house to Louis, his wife and two children. Meyer has hated Hitler ever since he learned that his wife was killed on his orders because she was Jewish. One day, a machine built by Hitler's researchers becomes his 6th secret weapon, having proved its worth in part by the defeat of France. This "weapon" is none other than a time-traveling machine (a Zeitmaschine). An adventure ensues between Meyer, Louis and Professor Frank Einstein, who was part of the team creating and improving this machine until he became the only scientist after an Allied bombing raid on Berlin decimated all his colleagues, and he himself has a grudge against Hitler following the Night of the Long Knives in which his family was brutally murdered. Dietrich, a general who has become Hitler's friend, is in charge and uses the Zeitmaschine to counter the enemy and keep the Reich's enemy countries in check, but as he meets his Führer, he realizes that he is becoming increasingly unstable, and decides to leave the Führer, who no longer even listens to him. If you're interested, please get in touch via this site. Best regards.

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