Search for producer. See more ... SYNOPSIS 15th century ! Two valiant knights, Tobias and Seraphim, leave their green Jura valley to travel and trade in the land of OC. Tobias is the innocent legatee of a precious treasure stolen by his father Charles in a famous cathedral. The wrath of the Holy Father in Avignon falls on all those who could profit from this theft. Unpleasant adventures await our companions. In these turbulent times, the wilderness is the preferred terrain of purse snatchers who scour the area shamelessly, adding to the dangerous presence of fierce canines with long teeth, sharp claws, raven black fur and blood-red tongues, in search of fresh flesh. This fortune is under the influence of a curse. To hold it is to face chaos in one's own life. ... These troubles from a bygone era resurface today under the aegis of two cousins - Albin and Julias - after the rediscovery of the precious sesame in the heart of a cave. The curse is reawakened, and weighs heavily on the daily lives of those who appropriate it. No one at that time could have imagined such a "butterfly effect". And yet ...

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