The screenwriter's guide

The screenwriter's guide

"The Writer's Journey" is a translation of the book "The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers" by American screenwriter Christopher Vogler. This author was greatly influenced by the mythologist Joseph Campbell and the psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung. The title of his English book is much clearer than the very neutral title of the French version. The German versions of the book speak of the writer's odyssey (in German) or the writer's journey (in Spanish). This book is in fact a long version of a memo originally written about Campbell's "Journey of the Hero". For many in Hollywood - but also in France - a book that is a must read. In this book, the hero's journey is described in twelve steps: * 1 The ordinary world * 2 The call of adventure * 3 The refusal of the call * 4 The meeting with the Mentor * 5 Crossing the first threshold * 6 Tests, allies and enemies * 7 The Approach * 8 The ultimate test * 9 The reward * 10 The way back * 11 The resurrection * 12 The return with the elixir Buy on Amazon : Also read:

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