The fatal bank

Hello, I'm a first-time author who's written a novel entitled "La banque fatale" and I'm looking for a cartoonist willing to draw and bring to life the story of a woman named Jane, a bank manager who's kidnapped by criminals trying to get a key (the bank doesn't want to use computers to secure everything) that opens the vaults containing 5 tons of gold bullion recently moved from the Banque de France to bring their vaults up to standard. Despite being roughed up by her attackers, Jane doesn't give in and gives her malefactors a hard time, as she realizes that her secretary (a very jealous woman who collects men, forming a kind of rivalry with Jane), Agatha, who is part of the team of malefactors, roughed up Jane out of hatred for men. This is followed by a police investigation into the burglary and a murder. The story ends with a twist that benefits Jane. I'll only be able to pay you half of the book's sales if it finds a publisher. Keywords: kidnapping, torture, burglary, investigation, murder and plot twist. The manuscript, if you are interested, is on a Word or PDF file in French. I enclose the manuscript as a Word file in French. Yours faithfully

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