Jackpoto (comedy)

Title: Jackpoto - An Unforgettable Adventure Genre: Comedy / Adventure Logline : Three childhood friends from the Paris suburbs find their lives turned upside down after winning the EuroMillions mega jackpot. Their joy turns into a whirlwind quest to Tahiti when the winning ticket ends up thousands of miles away, with their friend off to realize his dream of working on a pearl farm in French Polynesia. Synopsis: Dorian, Trésor and Idir, three inseparable friends from the Paris suburbs, play the EuroMillions every week. This week is a special one: Dorian, an ocean enthusiast, flies off to realize his dream of working on a pearl farm on a remote Tuamotu island. Shortly after his departure, Trésor and Idir discover they've won the mega-jackpot. Euphoria and bewilderment overcome them: their friend Dorian has the winning ticket, but he's now out of reach, without internet and on a lost island. With only 60 days to claim their winnings, the two friends decide to leave everything behind and cross the globe to find Dorian. The journey takes them through breathtaking landscapes and fascinating cultures, using every means of transport available: plane, 4x4, boat, jet-ski. Along the way, they meet unforgettable characters and overcome incredible challenges. But their quest is no picnic, especially with local terror Johnny hot on their trail, desperate to get his hands on the winning ticket. Between suspense, twists and unexpected encounters, this extraordinary adventure brings them closer together and strengthens their bonds of friendship. "Jackpoto" is more than just a comedy; it's a celebration of friendship, perseverance and the pursuit of dreams, even in the most unlikely of situations. Why "Jackpoto"? A captivating script: A perfect blend of humor, adventure and suspense that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. Endearing characters: Relatable protagonists who evolve in touching and inspiring ways. Exotic settings: Breathtaking landscapes add a spectacular visual dimension to the film. A universal message: The importance of friendship, courage and the pursuit of dreams. We're looking for passionate, visionary producers to bring this thrilling adventure to life. If you're ready to embark on an epic quest filled with laughter, tears and unforgettable moments, "Jackpoto" is the project for you!

André Pitié 2024-06-02 19:34:18